Operation Expanded Testing
BPS has chosen to participate in Operation Expanded Testing, a program supported and funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide COVID-19 PCR testing to K-12 schools at no cost to the school. Participation in this program helps schools stay safer against the risk of COVID-19.
Every week starting in October 2021, 30% of the students and staff at Bennett Park Montessori who have opted-in to Operation Expanded Testing will be tested weekly. A team of highly skilled trainers will guide our school nurses and staff on how to assist with COVID-19 testing and test collection.
Opt-In to Testing (Online)
We strongly encourage you to opt into the program, to keep your child well. Please visit the following site to register child for testing: https://www.assure-eurofins-pooledtesting.com/app/#/registration/Z5TYYC/C3PYO2/institution.
The online registration process takes less than 5 minutes
Opt-In to Testing (Print & Send In)
You can also complete the form physically by printing out this form, completing it, and sending it into the school with your child: Parent Consent Cover Letter For Testing 2021 2022.BPMC.32.docx